Tragically True Quote
Here's a quote I read in an article on pluggedinonline about the late George Carlin and his characteristically envelope-pushing comedy:
[Alan] Ehrenhalt went on to make a poignant observation in his column: "To profane something ... one must believe in it." Sex—once so powerful and mysterious a force, is now a mere biological act for much of society. Religion—the unwilling and sometimes unwitting source of much of our world's most enduring profanities—is being shunted to the background. Most of us say we believe in God, but that doesn't stop many of us from taking His name in vain. We take nothing very seriously anymore.
What I see is a great sifting taking place. From my perspective there are more true followers of God than ever before... but their counterparts grow more numerous. True believers have always been a small group, I am grateful and sometimes surprised that they are as remarkably large as they are.
Unfortunately the voice of secularism is loud and strong and if we don't make our voice heard we will likely be caught in the spiral of silence. It is the fence sitters that I worry most about because they will be swayed with the voice that speaks most persuasively to them. May we do our part to bring them unto Christ.
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