Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rick Warren and Obama

I didn't vote vote for Obama, but I can't help seeing him in a little more positive light after reading the article linked below about the response of Gay rights groups protesting his choice of Rick Warren to give the invocation at the inauguration next month:



Blogger ArringtonZoo said...

Interesting move on his part but not surprising. I am very frustrated with politics. There are things that I liked and disliked about both candidates. Certain very important topics, however, led me to vote Republican as they probably did you as well. I would love to think that this move on Obama's part shows some inner conviction on a much heated topic, I don't know. But even if it does, I can't condone the method in which he reveals such. He told the LGTB community what they wanted to hear in order to get a vote. It's dishonest and our country stands by and allows it with every stinking candidate that runs for president, all in the name of politics. Politicians are given a special "I can lie to please the people" ticket while running and in office, and we just nod our heads and say "It's all part of the game". When is someone with true moral fiber going to stand up and tell us what they believe in for a better America and then actually stand by it? If Obama opposes gay marriage then we should have heard about it during his run. I truly hope that he is a good man. But I for one wait for One who is better.

8:57 AM  
Blogger ArringtonZoo said...

Sorry to make a million comments. But I guess what I am trying to say is, we don't realize that there is no game. This is it. Life is it. You are who you are and no cover will hide you when it is time for judgment. Not politics, or church positions, civic duties or any other title we assume or costume we don. We can pretend all we want but it will not matter in the end who we pretended to be, but who we are.

9:19 AM  

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